Monday, April 22, 2013

Bringing back the Jean Vest

Yesterdays outfit was one of my favorites!  Back skinny jeans, an adorable white long sleeve shirt with a light jean vest.  I dressed it up with a layered necklace and a white watch.  I also wore these amazing black booties from ShoeDazzle called Jamie.  They are on sale now if you go quick you can score a pair for $23!

Jeans: Lauren Conrad (Kohls) Shirt: My closet for the last 4 or 5 YEARS...that is a long time ladies!! Jean Vest: Goodwill Necklace: WetSeal Watch: WetSeal

Friday, April 19, 2013

Plan your vacation in Outfits!

                        Shoes: ShoeDazzle Top: Forever21 Skirt: WetSeal Necklace: Forever21
 Shoes: Charlotte Russe Dress and Belt: Charlotte Russe Necklace: Bought from an African Tribe to support their Women's Jobs and Children :)
 Shoes: ShoeDazzle Dress: Forever21 Necklace: Charlotte Russe

 Lavender Dress: Charlotte Russe Shoes: Charlotte Russe Necklace: WetSeal

Striped Skirt: Forever21 Shoes: Kohls Top: Forever21

Hello Lovelies!

I recently was blessed enough to go on a family vacation.  When I say "family vacation" I mean it...there were almost or just over 40 people from my family who went on a cruise together to the Caribbean!  I know what you may be thinking, what cruise line was it and did you return safely.  We ventured on the Carnival Cruise line, the one that has been having all the issues.  Luckily, we had none, all of our toilets flushed properly and we were never stranded at see with nothing to eat but white bread and onions.  Ick. 

I decided to try and be prepared for this vacation and take pictures of all the different outfits I was going to wear.  I tried to bring as little clothes as possible while also being as cute as possible.  I like to treat everyday like a little fashion show. 

So here are some tips and tricks to traveling and packing the right way the first time.

1.  Try to pick as many things that can be worn together as possible.  For example, the white corset tank top that is the first and last picture.  It is a great top to wear with both outfits, plus, you can add a jacket to either of them or throw it with a pair of pants and VOILA another adorable outfit.  

2.  Shoes.  I would LOVE to bring as many shoes as I have outfits, and I did, but it was NOT a good idea.  Having to jump sit on your suitcase in order for it to close in not ideal. SO, pick shoes that can be worn with many things.  Normally you can get away with bringing a neutral, solid, print and bright pair of shoes and using those as your staples.  If you are not a shoe-a-holic, like myself, than you won't really have a problem with this like I did.

3.  Accessories.   These are the key elements to make each outfit unique.  On trend accessories will give you your specific edge to each and every clothing option.  Pick things that will pop off the pieces in your outfit you have chosen that are going to go with the different outfits in order to make them their own.

4. Just make it your own.  Have fun and don't be afraid to stand out!


My Perfect Ring

Hello Friends,

I recently got married, June 9th, 2012, it was wonderful.  As I go through pictures that lead up to that amazing day I remember how long I waited for the engagement (almost 6 years!) and then the beautiful engagement day that my amazing hubby planned for me. 

First let's just talk about this ring.  Is it not the most gorgeous ring you have ever seen?!  Yes, I am a little biased but I do think my now-hubby did a darn good job of picking out the perfect ring for me! 

It is by Mark Broumand, my then fiance searched far and wide and found this dealer in California.  You can check him out on facebook, make sure you say that I referred you :)

Anyways, there is no platinum showing on the band except for a tiny peek on the bottom, the entire band is straight diamonds and the center of the amazing halo ring is a canary yellow diamond.  *swoon*

I just had to tell you about it.  We didn't have a lot of money but my man saved all those years to get my the ring of my dreams.  I just had to put him up on a pedestal for second.

Happy Friday Lovelies!

Shoes: Something Blue and a little Sparkle, too!

Hello Lovelies,

I am OBSESSED really into shoes.  These particular shoes, I had purchased for my wedding, you know, something Blue.  Clever, I know.  Anywho, I am definitely not someone who pays super close attention to details when I am shopping online.  That, as you know, is never a good thing.  I got these in the mail, fell in love with them and then realized, I was taller than my A LOT taller.  These babies were over 7" tall!!  WHAT the WHAT?! I could not be taller than my dad as he walked me down the isle.  It forced me to get yet another gorgeous pair, this time by Vera Wang, (I know, so sad, I really hated that I had to buy another pair of shoes) that were about 5" tall, which are the normal height I wear.  My husband, if I haven't told you before, is 6'7" and I am a good 5'4.5"-don't look at me like that...every half an inch counts!-so I normally always rock a pair of heels.  Plus, I just feel sexier in them.

I am going to be posting more on all my fabulous shoes, since it's only right to show them off to the world while I am not wearing them! 

What are your favorite pair of shoes?  Heels, flats, wedges?  Fill me in!


Cutest Puppy Award

Hello Friends!

How BEYOND cute is my doggy?!  This is Samantha, she is my baby.  Samantha is about 3 years old and we think she is a bichon/poodle mix...and she's perfect.  She can't help it, she was born that way.

This was this past Christmas on our way to a family celebration.  My gorgeous sister, Kara, bought her this outfit and needless to say, it fit perfectly.  It was a Cinderella moment, really.  If Cinderella had 27 outfits, a memory foam bed, all natural food and was catered to 24/7.  In fact, as we speak, Samantha is snuggled up on my lap and getting what my husband and I call, "the Treatment."  She is spoiled with good ole' L.O.V.E. 

Anyways, I just wanted to introduce her since I am sure I will be talking about her quite a lot because as of this moment, she is the only baby I have.

Plus she is just super photogenic.  Like I said, she was just born that way, don't hate her 'cuz she's beautiful.


How to: Create a Twine Vase out of a beer bottle

Hello Lovelies!

Feeling crafty again!  I was definitely on a kick a little bit ago and created some pretty gorgeous things.  Toot toot! (<---that was me "tooting" my own horn...oh yeah, I went there)

Anyways, I am sure you want to know why these photos are such poor quality how to create these awesome vases and I am going to tell you how!

1. Grab an empty beer bottle, hot glue gun and some twine.  You can find twine at your local craft store.
2. Keep your twine attached to the roll since you wont know how much you are going to need and don't want any glitches on your vase. 
3. Start AT THE BOTTOM, place glue on the bottom and start wrapping.  Use as much or as little glue as you need depending on how well your twine is sticking.
4.  Keep wrapping up the bottle until you reach the top. Glue and wrap, glue and wrap, that's all there is to it.

Enjoy these!!

Ashley Table, Chairs and Bench

 Hello Lovelies,
This is my new table!!  The bench just got here so without the leaf it will seat 6-7 people comfortably!  It's from Ashley Furniture and is the perfect color, I believe.  Super on trend right now and will definitely transcend the changes for many years. 

Just had to share!

I Love FLORAL tableclothes!

Hello Lovelies!

This is my new SPRING table cloth!  I am so excited about it.  As I was "window" shopping at Kohls with a friend of mine, I spotted this beauty on sale for $8, and of course with all the lovely coupons Kohls is constantly offering, I ended up getting it for $6.  You really can not go wrong spending just over 5 bucks...even though I was supposed to be window shopping, I felt like $6 really isn't enough to not spend, know what I'm saying?!  Thought so.  Now if  the Spring weather would just keep up I would be really appreciative. 

I just had to share!

How to Create: Stone Hot Bads & Burner Covers

Hello Lovelies!

Another crafty edition brought to you by yours truly. 
This post is going to be all about how to create Stone Hot Pads or Burner Covers.  Aren't they darling?  I hate the look of those ugly burners and these really cover them up nicely!  How to create it:
1. Get some felt from a local craft store.
2. You'll need a hot glue gun.
3. You'll also need some stones.  I would try to make them as even and flat as possible.  These are from Walmart and are the flattest.  They definitely work but it is almost like fitting a puzzle together because of the various shapes and sizes.  If you want it to look like that, then you won't have a hard time finding stones but if you are looking for a more even, uniform look, I would search until you find the exact ones you are looking for. 
4. Just glue the stones onto the felt and let dry.  Voila!!  You have a beautiful Burner Cover along with hot pads for setting on the table during dinner or a get together. 
Note:  If you would like to use a stiffer fabric than felt please feel free to do so.  Most any material will work. 
WARNING:  Do not put these onto the stove after it has just been on/used.  Felt is flammable and most other products you use will be also.  Please only use these as decor and when you are putting a hot surface ON to the stones.


How to: Wine Cork Letter

Hello Friends!

Every now and then I get the urge to be crafty.  I am sure you've been there, during the hours you've spent pinning glorious pins on Pinterest cleaning on the house, and the heavens open up for those few short minutes and you actually get off the couch stop slaving away on chores to have a little "you" time.  Well this is what I created in that short time!  Thank you to my friends sweet grandmother who gave us hundreds of corks to use!  To create your own Cork Letter:

1. Go to your local craft store (mine was from Hobby Lobby) and purchase a letter of your choice.  The one I used was a wood material, fairly thin, so it doesn't weight too much, and was a nondescript brown color.
2. Gather as many corks as you can find.  There was a variety of sizes and colors, because of the different wines it had housed in it's glory days.  They do sell corks if you don't have any saved or don't drink.  I have seen them at target and other convenience stores.
3. You'll need a hot glue gun.  If you are purchasing one for the first time there will be a few options.  Opt out of the extra hot glue gun or your fingers will look like the fourth of July went off in the basket you were holding on the way to the desert. I did didn't learn that from experience. 
4.  I would definitely put old newspapers or magazine on top of the service if you don't want it to get ruined.  The glue from the gun will drip or stretch and is difficult to get off. 
5. You're all set!!  Let me know how they turn out!


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Decadent Cream Cheese Frosting

I just made the most delicious cupcakes...EVER.  What made it was the frosting.  It was the most amazing frosting I have ever tasted.  I will tell you the secret, but only because you asked.  Your asking right?!  Ok, ok, I'll tell you, sheesh!

                                                                       Here it is:
                                                      Decadent Cream Cheese Frosting

2 (8 oz) packages cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup butter, softened
2 cups sifted powdered sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
In a bowl, blend together the cream cheese
and butter until creamy.
Mix in the vanilla,
then gradually mix in the confectioners’ sugar.
Beat on a med speed until creamy.
Now, Frost!
Store leftover frosting in the refrigerator after use.
 Let me know how you like it :)

Monday, April 15, 2013

Throw a Sprinkle!

Sprinkles are the NEW Showers!  
What comes next?  A Drizzle? 

Hello Lovelies,
     If your like me, you have just started hearing the word Sprinkle thrown around a lot lately.  I had no clue that you were able to have another baby shower after your first one, and it turns can't.  You have a Sprinkle.  Maybe for the third child, you have a drizzle...if that hasn't been invented yet, don't forget you heard it here first!  I can see it now, I'll go down in history as the woman who invented the Drizzle.  Fo shizzle.  Whew, got a little off track there but I am back now *embarrassing*.  Anyways, like I was saying, Sprinkle. 
     This past Saturday I threw my best friend a sprinkle for her second baby boy due in June.  I absolutely love throwing parties and making things look beautiful.  

I had fresh flowers all around.  The picture above is a vase I made out of a empty beer bottle, wrapped with twine.  Isn't cute?!  

 And what Sprinkle would be complete without an assortment of the Mother-to-be-again's cravings.  Which just so happened to be a large array of gummy candies.  

I made the most delicious from scratch Lemonade Cupcakes with Fresh Raspberry Frosting for this amazing event.  They were such a hit!  Check out the recipe in the Foodie section of my blog.

 The mother-to-be (on the left) and myself (on the right) during our, very lady-like, pig out session.

Well, that's it for now!  Thanks for stopping by!


Lemonade Cupcakes with Raspberry Frosting

Lemonade Cupcakes {with} Raspberry Frosting

Happy Spring Everyone! (Unless you live in the Midwest, and it is still winter, like me.)

I recently hosted a Sprinkle for my best friend, Kate.  She is having her second baby boy in June!  I decided to really go all out and bake some fresh, homemade cupcakes with some of her favorite flavors, Lemon and Raspberry.  They were such a huge hit!  Everyone was raving about how delicious they were and ask to take some home when they were leaving.  Such a fun experience!  A little tip when you are making the frosting:  You have the option to sift out the seeds from the raspberries after you have pureed them.  I definitely went with this option since I like smooth frosting and didn't want people to have to take seeds out of their teeth.  It was more time consuming than I thought so just make sure you plan accordingly!  Happy eating lovelies, enjoy!

1 cup butter, at room temperature
2 cups sugar
4 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
3 cups all-purpose flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
grated zest and juice of a lemon
1 cup milk, divided

Fresh Raspberry Frosting
1 cup fresh raspberries (or thawed from frozen)
1 cup butter, at room temperature
3 cups confectioners’ sugar

Preheat oven to 375 F and line 24 muffin tins with paper liners.
In a large bowl, beat the butter, sugar and lemon zest with an electric mixer until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs one at a time, beating after each addition. Beat in the vanilla.
In a small bowl, stir together the flour, baking powder and salt. Add to the butter mixture a third at a time, alternating with half the milk and half the lemon juice after each of the first 2 additions of flour. Beat until just combined.
Fill the prepared tins and bake for 20 minutes, until springy to the touch. Tip the cupcakes in their tins to help them cool. Let cool completely before frosting. If you like sprinkle with colored sugar. Makes 2 dozen.

Fresh Raspberry Frosting
In the bowl of a food processor, puree the raspberries until smooth. If you like, press the mixture through a sieve to get rid of the seeds.
In a medium bowl, beat the butter and half the sugar until smooth. Add the raspberry puree, then more sugar until you have a fluffy, spreadable consistency. Add a splash of water if necessary (a tablespoon or two).