Monday, April 15, 2013

Throw a Sprinkle!

Sprinkles are the NEW Showers!  
What comes next?  A Drizzle? 

Hello Lovelies,
     If your like me, you have just started hearing the word Sprinkle thrown around a lot lately.  I had no clue that you were able to have another baby shower after your first one, and it turns can't.  You have a Sprinkle.  Maybe for the third child, you have a drizzle...if that hasn't been invented yet, don't forget you heard it here first!  I can see it now, I'll go down in history as the woman who invented the Drizzle.  Fo shizzle.  Whew, got a little off track there but I am back now *embarrassing*.  Anyways, like I was saying, Sprinkle. 
     This past Saturday I threw my best friend a sprinkle for her second baby boy due in June.  I absolutely love throwing parties and making things look beautiful.  

I had fresh flowers all around.  The picture above is a vase I made out of a empty beer bottle, wrapped with twine.  Isn't cute?!  

 And what Sprinkle would be complete without an assortment of the Mother-to-be-again's cravings.  Which just so happened to be a large array of gummy candies.  

I made the most delicious from scratch Lemonade Cupcakes with Fresh Raspberry Frosting for this amazing event.  They were such a hit!  Check out the recipe in the Foodie section of my blog.

 The mother-to-be (on the left) and myself (on the right) during our, very lady-like, pig out session.

Well, that's it for now!  Thanks for stopping by!


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